While sitting in gatherings looking at your slim friends and thinking that why you are not like them. Fed up of the compliments that you are not looking well you are fat or this fashion is not for you. Don’t worry be calm you can also be like them by just following a good diet plan. Just consult a nutritionist if you feel that you want someone assistance that can guide you properly in reducing your weight.
Why are you becoming bulky?
The main reasons for becoming overweight is sitting too much. As you sit a lot your body just become wider and wider. Taking fats a lot, avoiding the walk, taking no water makes your weight increase and your body shape irregular. Joined gym? And then leave it after some time also cause your body shape to be disturbed.as gym leaves side effects to your body that also cause hormonal effects. Using medicines to become slim but you are wrong.
Want to get rid of bulk?
By just following few steps you can be slim and your dream of becoming slender will be in front of you. You yourself will not believe your eyes. Take 15 glass of water in a day. Intake 1 cup of green tea. Do a walk for 45 minutes in a day and after that intake a glass of lemon water without sugar. Avoid consumption of carbohydrates and take as many proteins as possible. Avoid grapes and dry fruits as they perform a good role in making your bulk. Avoid corns whether they are boiled or not.
Diet plan to be followed
Now you will be thinking that what to eat in one day. Take a boiled egg with yolk in breakfast or take chicken kebabs but only one. At lunchtime take boil meat or chicken with a cup of green tea. At night you must take boil chicken again. If feeling hungry in the middle of the day take an apple. Check your weight after 10 days and measure your body after 20 days. Take a break full day and eat half chapatti and eat everything except bakery items. After a period of 2 months, you can start taking brown bread in the lunch with any type of vegetable. You can also eat sugar-free biscuits one time a day but with green tea or sugar-free tea. Before buying biscuits just check that carbohydrates should be less and fats should be zero. All these guides are provided you by pakistannetworks.com/
Precautions Don’t check your weight daily as it will make you tens and tension can increase your weight. Don’t intake minute amount of food just with the thinking that it will not cause any harm to your diet plan but it will increase your weight. Take ispagol daily as diet plan causes constipation and this makes you swell and you start giving a fatty look that will make you imperfect. Use stairs instead of elevators. As it is said that: Eat for the body you want, not for the body you have.