Kids always get attracted to junk foods. Though we make many twists to make the dish healthy and colourful, we often cannot make them enjoy the food they need. But to keep up their healthy eating promises as they move forward in their growing stage, it’s necessary to teach them the healthy eating habits from an early age.

The best ways to introduce their healthy living is by framing a food plan according to their likes and dislikes and add innovative healthy substitutes to make the fussy eaters happy and healthy. In this article, let’s discuss a few healthy eating habits that parent can inculcate in their kids to eat foods healthily. Scroll down and check out the tips below: 

Tips to inculcate healthy eating habits in kids:

Don’t worry about your finicky eaters! Here, we have compiled 6 healthy eating habits that you can teach your kids from the growing stage and make his or her diet balanced, healthy, tasty and yet nutritious! Now! Let’s keep reading the article with a healthy mind and try to learn a few simple tricks and chart out your kid’s diet plan accordingly.

  1. Practice your kid to eat slowly: Yes! Encourage your child to chew the food well and eat slowly. This helps the kid to avoid overeating also it helps balances daily calorie intake from foods. Moreover, before providing the second servings of food, give them some time of at least 15 minutes to register the brain for the fullness. If the kid really needs the second serving then provide very less food than the first servings and try adding more veggies in the diet.
  2. Try healthy alternatives for unhealthy choice: If your kid craves for junk foods like pizza, sweets, snacks, fries to name a few, substitute healthy alternatives like pizza made with wheat flour, healthy homemade snacks, sweets made with dried fruits, fries can be prepared by baking instead of deep-frying etc.
  3. Control the portion size: Overeating can lead to high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, breathing issues, insomnia, and many other health complications. So, before serving any foods for the kids, check the serving size mentioned on the food labels and limit the portion size based on the factors like age, activity levels, and their appetite. If your child is already obese, the doctor may suggest doing blood tests to find the cause of obesity. Treatments are decided based on the test reports and, if required change in eating habits or medications may be prescribed for the kids who are obese. Buy prescription medicines from the best online pharmacy store in India and get them delivered at your doorstep.  
  4. Teach healthy eating habits early in their life:  Parents are advised to dictate kids, healthier eating habits early in their childhood. This helps them to add healthy foods in their diet while growing. Also, teach the kids the basic table manners like washing the hands and face before having the food, use a clean towel on the lap to avoid spilling the food, chewing the food slowly, avoid watching TV, etc.  
  5. Prepare kids meal plan a week ahead: Prepare the diet chart and plan the meals every week. Include the ingredients which your kid likes the most. Also, add rainbow colours like fruits and veggies in your kid’s diet and make the intake the most balanced, nutritious, and healthy meal.
  6. Don’t restrict any foods: Encourage your kids to have all varieties of foods such as nuts, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, and fish as restricting certain foods can increase the risk of developing eating disorders, bulimia, or food allergy in their later stage of life.
  7. Add rainbow colour foods to your kid’s plate everyday: Yes! Fruits and veggies of red, orange, purple, green, yellow, white, blue, and indigo are loaded with antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamin C, and many other vital nutrients. Hence, to get all the nutrients intact, serve your kid every day with a plateful of colourful fruits and veggies. If your kid has a habit of picking certain types of veggies, then watch out for new recipes and try to include those vegetables in their diet. 
  8. Speak to your kid’s paediatrician: As your kid grows his nutritional requirements and the need for a balanced diet for proper growth and development increases.  Hence, speak to your child’s nutritionist or paediatrician frequently and frame a balanced diet chart based on the ingredients and foods which he likes the most.  Also, avoid junk foods, artificial sweeteners, sweets, and deep-fried foods. Follow the above tips and healthily nourish your kids and provide them with a happy, strong, and stress-free environment to live in!

If you make any changes in your kid’s diet plan or trying to incorporate any new food in his diet, consult the healthcare provider before you add it to the diet. Sometimes, a multivitamin may be prescribed for the fussy eaters to balance their daily nutritional requirement. Order the multivitamin tablets or syrups from any genuine online drug store with free home delivery at your convenience.

Categories: Health


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